Tiffin Service In Ignou

 Tiffin Service In IGNOU

Tiffin Service In IGNOU


IGNOU is the acronym of Indira Gandhi National Open University. it is a famous open learning university Dedicated to the Former Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi.

IGNOU is the Largest university in the world run by the Central government of India. It is focused on distance learning so anyone from any part of India can enroll in a course.

The university is situated in Maidan Garhi Which is our prominent service area. We also provide a tiffin service in IGNOU. Many students use our tiffin service to save their time and money. We offer a special 10% discount to all students so that they can easily afford a healthy meal.

Our tiffin menu includes a wide variety of seasonal vegetables and pulses to nourish the body and mind of students. We do not repeat a food item in a week so every meal is special and you never get bored with our service.

Though our weekly menu is fixed, you can use our customized tiffin service to order your favorite food item at any time. We have three plans for your convenience (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly). If you want regular tiffin, a monthly plan is your best option. It will help you get discounts and healthy food.

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